Not totally gone
Well, I said that I wouldn't be back unless I got bitten by the bug...
So, I'm not really all the way back. I just don't have that kind of time. But, I'm back a little.
One day, while looking at my hair file collection in BodyShop, I noticed the "diva" hairstyle here at TSR, which was acquired through cooperation from Jose Silva, AKA 3Dream. They did a bang-up job on that one, but I thought that I saw something there that a few minor tweaks could turn into another really sexy style. So, I messed around with it some, deleted the bangs, widened it a bit, bent in some parts here and there, and voila! I think we have a pretty cool style working for us. Of course, I got Xandher on those re-vamped textures, and we were good to submit. We're calling it "diva redux," and I hope you enjoy.
Meanwhile, let me say a word or two about animations.
They are great, but I think for the most part, they are overdone.
Let me explain.
I have come around to the other side of the animations argument; I believe that they can cause problems, particularly when the joints aren't weighted well. For some reason, there is a problem with the blend data with our current tools, and what Maxis meant for subtle movement can easily become distorted and unrealistic as the blend data, which basically gives weight to vertices, seems exaggerated. For example, I use the fuzzylonghair as a base for most of my meshes. Maxis has by default assigned about fourteen vertices (total)toward animations. If one attempts to assign those same vertices after export from Milkshape, he/she would find some severe distortion in movement. I'm not sure if this is a Milkshape or SimPE problem, but it is a problem. Animations just don't look right. I have revisited many of my older hairstyles, and have thought that it might be best to remove some of those animations, but I want to hear more. Do those animations distract, or add to your experience with the hair?
I would like to hear your comments regarding that.
Anyway, I'm not fully back, but I'm not fully gone. Sorta like Elvis.